

General Dentistry

Due to circumstances, oral problems have occured, and the disease process has commenced. We need to address these issue with general dentistry to prevent further damage and discomfort.


Cavities Can Happen to Anyone

There’s no need to feel embarrassed about having a cavity. Roughly 91% of people will deal with tooth decay at some point in their life and need a dental filling. Even our dentist’s experts in general dentistry have dealt with a cavity or two of their own!

What matters is that you spot and stop the decay before it causes big problems. That’s what we’re here for.

With early detection technology, advanced imaging, and safe filling materials, getting a dental filling in Composite is fast, safe, and comfortable.

A women who assist the doctor for the general dentistry service
Trusted Dental Clinic in Rockingham


Cavities Can Happen to Anyone

There’s no need to feel embarrassed about having a cavity. Roughly 91% of people will deal with tooth decay at some point in their life and need a dental filling. Even our dentists have dealt with a cavity or two of their own!

What matters is that you spot and stop the decay before it causes big problems. That’s what we’re here for.

With early detection technology, advanced imaging, and safe filling materials, getting a dental filling in Kennesaw is fast, safe, and comfortable.

A women who assist the doctor for the general dentistry service
Trusted Dental Clinic in Rockingham

Your tooth is only as good as its foundation

Due to circumstances, oral problems have occurred and the disease process has commenced. We need to address these issues in order to prevent further damage and discomfort.

Think You Have a Cavity?

Tony Wild

Dear Joe, 
Thanks very much for your efforts yesterday. You have a great jawside manner! Caroline phoned me earlier, so I told her that the gum was giving me no problem and I had already started the gentle salt solution rinsing.

Please send the relevant details for me to pass on to Louise Wynd, my dentist in Sunderland.


Answers to Your Questions

Make An Appointment

This is our service appointment request form. If you wish to contact us use the email form here, this will be sent to our customer service support, or phone us at (08) 9528 5588.

Make an Appointment

This is our service appointment request form. If you wish to contact us use the email form here, this will be sent to our customer service support, or phone us at (08) 9528 5588.