

Technology and Equipment

Help diagnose and maintain the health of oral tissues and associated anatomy

Digital Intra Oral Radiology

X-rays in dentistry are a necessity to accurately diagnose dental problems. All intraoral radiographs are in digital format and can be viewed on the computer or TV screen above the dental chair.  As they are digital, our x-rays are less than one third of the radiation dose of conventional x-ray films.

Areas on digital x-rays can be magnified, contrast adjusted and can also be emailed to you or specialists instantly. We believe the x-rays taken are ultimately yours and are happy to provide copies to our patients.

Digital OPG

No more need to go elsewhere for OPG x-rays. Dixon Road Dental Surgery has the facilities to take OPG x-rays on premises and develop them within seconds.

Our OPG x-rays are also in digital format. The OPG shows aspects of the teeth, jaws and surrounding structures that intraoral radiographs cannot see.

Again we are happy to provide copies to patients and specialists if requested.

Orthopantomogram x-rays.

Intra Oral Camera

A picture says a thousand words

Can’t see what the dentist is talking about? Not visualizing our explanations. Let us take a picture of the area in question and explain it better to you. Before and after pictures, following dental treatment can also be taken for your records.

Make An Appointment

This is our service appointment request form. If you wish to contact us use the email form here, this will be sent to our customer service support, or phone us at (08) 9528 5588.

Make an Appointment

This is our service appointment request form. If you wish to contact us use the email form here, this will be sent to our customer service support, or phone us at (08) 9528 5588.